We create impactful immersive experiences in education by connecting immersive theater, new technologies, and gamification.
By challenging the boundaries between fiction and reality, the physical and the virtual, and by strengthening the connections between gamification and immersive theater, the implications that Platô Cultural's Immersive Learning Adventures can offer are extensive in terms of social impact, citizenship, identity, critical reflection, and artistic and educational ways of being/doing.

Our work process

We work in partnership with public and private institutions, museums, businesses, and communities, translating their challenges and themes into transformative immersive experiences. Through an ongoing dialogue between research and practice, our interdisciplinary team works collaboratively, turning challenges into a Learning Adventure.
We offer:
Innovative Pedagogical Approach
Physical and digital resources
Customized pedagogical plans
Teacher training and empowerment
Assessment and monitoring
Our impact:

We utilize a robust monitoring and impact assessment system to track the desired outcomes of our projects. Our approach follows two key parameter models:
The Continuum of Impact guide, developed by Animating Democracy, an American program affiliated with Americans for the Arts. This guide helps us define social and civic outcomes and indicators, enabling us to monitor social impact.
In Brazil, we adhere to the Brazilian official curriculum guidelines BNCC (Base Nacional Comum Curricular) as a reference for monitoring the educational impact related to competencies and skills through formative evaluation plans. In other countries, we collaborate with local curriculum advisors and school teachers to monitor and adapt the Reviseducational experiences and outcomes.
Our story:

Platô Cultural was founded in 2018 by artistic director Francine Kliemann. Since 2020, it's based in Florianópolis, Brazil, and has formed a qualified team of artists and educators. We operate both in Brazil and abroad.
Starting in 2021, we launched the School of the (Im)Possible project in partnership with Education Departments of Brazil and Scotland, receiving funding from the British Council and ITAC (International Teaching Artist Collaborative). The project was implemented in Scotland in collaboration with Simon Sharkey and The Necessary Space, the project's official partner. Discussions with other countries are ongoing to expand the project to other locations, creating a global network of S.O.S. Agents.
In 2022, we introduced our second project, "Readers' Factory," in partnership with Marte Cultural production company (Florianópolis, Brazil), sponsored by Lunelli through the Culture Incentive Law. The project was implemented in the Municipal Network of Corupá, Brazil in October 2022. From 2024, the initiative will be extended to various municipalities in Santa Catarina, São Paulo, and Ceará, Brazil.
Since 2023, Platô Cultural has offered teacher training courses in the "Immersive Learning Adventures" pedagogical approach for Public and Private Educational Institutions.
ATUALIZAR Our creative team is developing three new projects to be launched from 2024: an Immersive Experience for Museums and Cultural Spaces, a transmedia digital Game, and an immersive digital literacy laboratory for Secondary School students.
A central part of our work is ongoing research, which underpins the creation of our projects. We presented our research at ECQI 2024 in Finland, at COP 26 (2021) in Glasgow and COP 27 in Egypt (2022). We also participated as speakers and keynote speakers in national and international conferences, such as ECO-LIBRIUM Conference (France, 2023), ITAC 06 Art as Catalyst of Change (Norway, 2022), DRHA 22 (London, 2022), and "4th Jeonju International Forum of Art Education 2022" (South Korea, 2022).
We are members of Catalyst 2030, a global movement that brings together impact organizations and social activists from all sectors, committed to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), seeking innovative approaches to accelerate their implementation by 2030.
Platô Cultural is a partner organization of ITAC (International Teaching Artist Collaborative) and CAN (Community Arts Network), and an associated company of ACATE, actively participating in the ED TECH Vertical.