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What if the characters of the mysterious game “Fábrica de Leitores” ran away from the board looking for players in the real world? And if they invited these players
to create new stories that bring the game world to life?

Readers Factory is an immersive education experience designed for the first years of elementary school, seeking to encourage the process of literacy and literacy through fantasy. ​​ was developed based on the creative teaching approach developed by Plateô Cultural called "Aventuras de Aprendizagem" in which immersive theater, art and new technologies intertwine with educational goals and social impact. Through this methodology, the student is involved in a fictional world, where he is the protagonist and where he recognizes his creative potential while advancing in his educational trajectory.


 O  The teacher of the participating class receives a literature book to work on during the week before the activity. The day before the experience, he resumes the activity of the book, however, to his surprise, he realizes that new elements have appeared in the story - as if it  had been invaded by new and strange characters to the book's narrative . On the last page of the book there is a mysterious letter, with the request for help from these “invading characters”:

 “We are inhabitants of the game “Fábrica de Leitores” and we need to save our kingdom which, because it has never been played, is disappearing! The game is in some lost location in the school. We've found some clues to your location and are sending them to you. We need your help, but first you need to find us…"

The class finds the board through a game of treasure hunting and the experience ends without the teacher allowing them to open the box, leaving a mystery in the air.


The next day, upon returning to school, they find their classroom transformed, the game box open with a huge board arranged on the living room floor. The characters then appear and tell where they came from, and what their main mission is: playing the game and creating new stories that will bring the world of Fábrica de Leitores to life. Divided into four groups, they start the game and each group creates a new story, guided by the challenges proposed by the board game and using the history book worked on the previous week as a starting point. Before returning to the Readers Factory, the characters present the class with a version of the board game: “Now that we have new players in the real world, we can happily return to our world: It will not disappear anymore!_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Keep reading new books and playing The Readers Factory: “Everything you craft in the game will come to exist in our world!” 


At the end of the game, each group tells the story they created, which is recorded by the Platô team and included on the experience's website.

01 episode + Preparatory activity facilitated by the class teacher

Duration: 1 full shift (morning or afternoon)

Recommended age group: 1st to 3rd years of Elementary School

Central Themes: Stimulating Literacy and Literacy through fantasy; Creation of the Reading Habit​​; Digital literacy.

What is the project in practice?

  • The project is interdisciplinary, transversal to the curriculum and anchored in the UN's sustainable development goals.

  • It is aligned with the BNCC for the 1st to 3rd year of Elementary School, working on general skills and abilities from different curricular components, with a central focus on Portuguese Language and Art skills. 

  • We call the project sessions episodes, because they enter both the fictional universe and the universe of education

  • Educators are called facilitators, as we use active methodologies in which the teacher is the mediator and the students are the protagonists of their learning path.

How is the project in practice?

  • It takes place during the official shift of the classes, both in the classes of the teacher and in other curricular components.

  • Each class receives the project during an entire class shift: two art educators from Platô Cultural go to the school at the scheduled time and facilitate the episode, which has the script already agreed with the school.

  • The script and resources provided are shared with the school in advance.

  • The script has themes, objectives, a pedagogical plan aligned with the BNCC and optional support activities.

  • Class teachers receive activity facilitation materials by mail, as well as online facilitation training.

  • The episode lasts for 3 hours, with an intermission.

  • The digital environment offers resources for the class teachers to continue the project in their classes.

What we offer:

  • 01 session per class at a date and time to be agreed.

  • Board game “Fábrica de Leitores” and material resources needed to facilitate the preparatory activity.

  • Giant board, scenography, e  technological equipment made available during the episode.

  • Project digital environment.

  • Online tracking and extra features

  • Teacher training and pedagogical monitoring

  • Specialized pedagogical team.


How the experience dialogues
with the class curriculum?

If you want to delve a little deeper into the project and understand how episodes are aligned with the BNCC, downloadHEREebook with the 2022 facilitation guide.

How is social impact measured?
and educational of the project?

The social impact assessment items follow the Continuum of impact guide: a guide to defining social and civic outcomes and indicators, developed by Animating Democracy, a North American program belonging to the Americans for the Arts organization. The Continuum of Impact is a guide for articulating results and indicators, observing and collecting evidence of social impact in works of art and culture. The educational impact assessment parameters follow the BNCC guidelines.


"The activity was wonderful, the children got involved with joy, they showed interest from the beginning of the proposal, extremely curious and living each moment provided by embarking on the world of imagination and make-believe, something that only stories can offer. It was unforgettable for them

and for all of us at school who were involved.

Jiane Elisa Winter - Pedagogical Coordinator of the Francisco Mees School, Corupá SC




Platô Cultural Ltda | CNPJ 40/937.248/0001-06

Estrada Haroldo Soares Glavan 3874, Casa 08 - Cacupé, Florianópolis, SC - Brazil, 88050005

Tel: +55 51 99150 1649

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